
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The School of Nonsense (Ernest and Rebecca Book #5) BY Guilluame Bianco –NO

Bianco, Guillaume The School of Nonsense (Ernest and Rebecca Book #5)48 pgs. Papercutz, 2014. $12.99. Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G. GRAPHIC NOVEL
Rebecca is a six year old girl who was sick and made a very special friend named Ernest. He is a microbe. But now she is healthy and he has disappeared. When a bad virus attacks the school, Rebecca does her best to fend it off, but really wishes Ernest would come back. In the meantime she is worried about her Grandpa who is sick. Her big sister has a secret admirer and they have been texting back and forth.
As book #5 in the series, this one is definitely built on the past books, so this is not a read-alone. I don’t know what to make of the age recommendation, the main character is 6 years old but the vocabulary and the plot lines that involve older characters don’t mesh well with that, so I decided on the middle ground, middle school. I found myself annoyed by the main character. I thought the microbe thing was confusing. I thought Rebecca’s school teacher was a bit creepy. The artwork is adorable and bright and fun but that’s not enough for me to recommend this read.

MS?– NOT RECOMMENDED Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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