
Thursday, August 21, 2014

The Fairy-Tale Matchmaker by E.D. Baker - ADVISABLE

Baker, E.D. The Fairy-Tale Matchmaker, 352 p. Bloomsbury, OCTOBER 2014.  $17.  Content: G.  

Cory’s mother has always pressured her to be a tooth fairy and follow in her path.  Now that Cory has passed all of the training and has been working on the job, she has lost all desire to continue down that path.  As Cory tries to find a new way for herself, her mother is actively harassing her and the Tooth Fairy Guild seems to be out to sabotage Cory’s efforts.  Then Cory finds out about a secret her mother has kept from her all of her life - things are about to change drastically for Cory.  

While I have a hard time believing the Tooth Fairy Guild could wield quite so much power and influence, this is still classic Baker fun.  I am sure there are more books to come.  I think authors are amazing.  You would think that reworking fairy tales and such would get tiring after awhile, but I still read new permutations that make me fall in love all over.  Of course the book is best understood if students know the original tales, so make sure you have some good Mother Goose and other fairy tale books on hand for reference.

EL, MS - ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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