
Monday, August 4, 2014

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin adapted by Stacy King –ADVISABLE

Adaption by King, Stacy Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin 376 pgs. Udon Entertainment, 2014. $24.99. Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG Violence: G. MANGA
This story follows a young girl named Elizabeth who is living with her parents and four other sisters. Their mother is pushing for them to marry for wealth and quickly, because as women, none of them can inherit their family home. Elizabeth’s beautiful older sister Jane appears to have fallen in love with a handsome young wealthy man. But Elizabeth isn't as lucky, meeting the aloof and unfriendly Darcy. Somehow their paths keep crossing, and Elizabeth only learns things that make her dislike the man even more.  When everything in her life is at its worst, Elizabeth finds out she was wrong about a lot of things, including her own heart.
Call me a bad librarian but I hate Jane Austen books, they are a such a chore for me to read. But this version, presented in true Manga format, is fantastic. I couldn't put it down and found the artwork just stunning. I don’t think students could get away with reading this version in place of the original for an assignment or anything, but it might be a great gateway for them to truly appreciate the original.

HS – ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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