
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish (Book #1) by Mo O’Hara –OPTIONAL

O’Hara, Mo  My Big Fat Zombie Goldfish (Book #1) 198 pgs. Feiwel & Friends, 2013. $12.99. Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: PG.
Tom’s big brother, Mark decides to become an evil scientist. Tom is horrified, especially when Mark decides to experiment on a poor goldfish. He puts a toxic mix in its fishbowl and it dies. Tom and his best friend bring it back to life with a battery. But the fish, Frankie, is different –smarter and capable of hypnotizing people. He is out for revenge and when Mark and his friend cause big trouble at Tom’s school –Frankie might just be able to get what he wants and help Tom too.
The cover of this book is incredibly appealing, especially for reluctant readers. I found the story a bit harsh, lots of degrading language from the big brother, introduction of the concept of harming one’s pet, and lots of violence. The story gets more crazy and convoluted as it goes on, and I felt totally uninterested. The character of the best friends little sister is so annoying that I couldn't bear to read her catch phrase one more time. I wouldn't add this to my school library, but its no worse than captain underpants.

EL – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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