
Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lucky Me by Cindy Callaghan - OPTIONAL

Callaghan, Cindy Lucky Me, 198 p. Simon, 2014.  $7.  Content: G.  

Megan McGlinchey had the race for eighth grade student president all sewn up - until she receives a chain letter that morning and forwards it by email, instead of regular mail, and brings an avalanche of bad luck and disaster upon her head and the heads of her friends and family.  Bad luck follows them all as they head to Ireland for spring break and a look into her father’s past as an orphan.  Desperate to track down the people ahead of her in the chain, Megan recruits a cute local boy and an older woman who has taken a temporary vow of silence to help her madly dash across the local area.  Along the way Megan finds a much better kind of luck - family.  

Ok - first you have to really, really buy into Megan’s obsession with luck.  Then you can sit back and enjoy her madcap adventures.  Already in paperback, this, and all of the Simon Mix imprint titles, are a fun addition to the library for girls who just want something cute.  

EL, MS - OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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