
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Captain Awesome vs. the Spooky Scary House (Book#8) by Stan Kirby -OPTIONAL

Kirby, Stan  Captain Awesome vs. the Spooky Scary House (Book#8) 128 pgs. Little Simon, 2013. $15.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G

Secret superheroes Eugene and Charlie (AKA Captain Awesome and Nacho Cheese Man) are gearing up for Halloween. After fighting a variety of October evil’s including an objectionable scarecrow, they boys decide they must discover more about a very scary house that’s in their neighborhood. After hearing more about it at school, they are terrified, but determined. Will they vanquish the headless ghost that lives there?

I really really want to like this series, the illustrations are incredibly inviting and fantastic. The idea is wonderful as well- two boys who are best friends and on the side are secret superheroes. But the writing never comes together for me and I find that I don’t enjoy reading the story. Some of the language is just off, the story doesn't flow well, and I find it hard to invest in the characters and the outcome of the story.   

EL(K-3) – OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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