
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Washday by Eve Bunting -- ADVISABLE

Bunting, Eve Washday, illustrated by Brad Sneed. PICTURE BOOK. Holiday House, 2014. $16.95. Content: G.

One Saturday morning in 1889, Lizzie and her doll walk to Grandma's house to help with washing. Together they boil the water, separate the clothes by color, and wash them using homemade lye soap. Once they have finished, they have a sense of accomplishment and are finally able to relax.

Reading this book was not only an interesting endeavor, but it also helped me have a huge appreciation for modern conveniences such as washers and dryers. I will try not to complain about doing laundry again. (Emphasis on "try.") Although this book is historical, Lizzie is a very relatable character, as she yearns to go play instead of doing chores, yet she feels a very natural sense of pride when the job is done. The lovely illustrations make a good accompaniment to the text.

EL -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn

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