
Sunday, July 6, 2014

Tut by P.J. Hoover - OPTIONAL

Hoover, P.J. Tut: The Story of my Immortal Life, 304 p. Starscape, SEPTEMBER 2014.  $16.  Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (typical fantasy adventure violence).  

Since his betrayal at the hand of his uncle Horemheb, Tut has been blessed (or cursed) by the god Osiris to an immortal life. Tut has laid low through for three thousand years, until Howard Carter opened his tomb in 1922.  Even then, not much happened until the present day, when it looks as though Horenheb really has been freed and he and the minions of the evil god Set have not given up on revenge, or they desire to kill all of the other Egyptian gods, especially Osiris.  Tut has been stuck at 14 for 3000 years, and in all that time he has not learned much.  It may take real friendship being forced upon him to actually make a difference.  While by the end the book came out as worth reading, there are gaps and leaps and inadequacies that make the reading fairly uneven.  I guess my main problem is, even though Tut is physically 14, wouldn’t he at all be capable of becoming even a little bit more mature after 3000 years.  I am not a brain scientist, so maybe not?  Otherwise, while not as stellar as Riordan’s or Mull’s books, it is still worth a look, preferably in paperback.  

EL, MS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher.

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