Wright, Camron The Rent Collector 288 pgs. Shadow Mountain, 2013. $15.99 Content:
Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG13 Violence: PG.
Unbeknownst to
most of the world, there are many families who live right at a garbage dump
called Stung Meanchey, a real place in Cambodia. They make their living scavenging
and selling, a grim existence made dangerous by disease, lack of essentials,
danger from the garbage itself, and roaming gangs. We follow the story of Sang
Ly, a young mother trying to raise an ill son and wanting to learn how to read.
When she discovers the rent collector, a grumpy horrible woman, can read, Sang
Ly is determined to learn. Turns out
there is more to the rent collector than anyone could possible guess.
This is a
wonderful and eye opening story! It’s such a different point of view on literature -one that is fresh
to the joy and desire to learn to read. The host of characters are interesting
and well developed. I think high school students would do well to read about
this very grim place, yet a place so full of hope. Adults will love this surprising read as
HS –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School
Librarian & Author.
Will definitely take a look at this ine. Hadn't seen it. Thanks!