
Monday, July 7, 2014

The Numberlys by William Joyce - OPTIONAL

Joyce, William The Numberlys, illustrated by Christina Ellis.  PICTURE BOOK.  Atheneum (Simon), 2014.  $18.  Content: G.  

The world of the Numberlys is drab and orderly, but letters and words and colors do not exist.  One day five friends decide that needs to change, so together they create letters, which bring a bright, fun change to the their formerly gray world.  

William Joyce is full of interesting ideas and has a artistic eye that knows exactly what he wants.  I feel like he is so busy picturing how his books will look, or sound or move, that he doesn’t give the plot the care that it needs.  While I enjoyed looking at the book, at the end I was left flat by the lack of character, story or sense.  A visual delight with no meaning.  

Pre-K - OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher.
FYI - I shared the plot of this book with a couple of Language Arts teachers - they loved the idea that letters and words are what brought color and joy to the world.  So, this would probably also be a good gift for someone who loves words.

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