
Monday, July 14, 2014

Elan, Son of Two Peoples by Heidi Smith Hyde -- OPTIONAL

Smith, Heidi Elan, Son of Two Peoples, illustrated by Mikela Prevost. PICTURE BOOK. Kar-Ben Publishing, 2014. $7.95. Content: G.

In this tale based on a true story, it is 1898 and Elan and his family are traveling from San Francisco to New Mexico. There, this son of a Jewish merchant and Pueblo Indian Chief's descendent would see his mother's native village for the first time. Not only that, but he would follow up his Bar Mitzvah with participation in the Pueblo ceremony to become a man.

While the book has an interesting premise, overall I found it fairly confusing, perhaps due to lack of background in either culture. Clearer explanations and illustrations would have helped. The length of the text felt burdensome as well. Still, the story it is rooted in is interesting, especially when described in the author's note at the end, and it may find an audience among those who are partial to religious overtones in their stories.

EL -- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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