
Thursday, June 26, 2014

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare - ESSENTIAL

Clare, Cassandra City of Heavenly Fire, 725 p. Margaret McElderry (Simon), 2014.  $25.  Language: PG (5 swears); Mature Content: PG-13 (leading up to off page sex); Violence: PG (non-graphic violence). 
Sebastian Morgenstern is certifiably crazy – and you can not argue or reason with crazy.  Not only that, he has the Immortal Cup and is ambushing Shadowhunters and staling their souls, turning them into a loyal, evil army, with no hope of ever regaining their humanity.  The Clave, however refuses to listen to Clary, Jace and their friends. This inaction may lead to every Shadowhunters’ destruction, unless the teens take matters into their own hands. 
The adult Shadowhunters do not come off well in this final book in Clary’s series.  In fact, they act like cowards instead of heroes, which made me question their entire right to be called Shadowhunters at all.  Of course the focus is on the teens and how much smarter, braver and ingenious they are.  Fans will be happy with the action, the romance and the tied up ends.  It took me about half the book to really start getting involved.  Also, Clare sets things up very neatly for a new generation of Shadowhunters and a new enemy to fight. 
MS, HS – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher.

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