
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Alien Encounter by Charise Mericle Harper –ADVISABLE

Harper, Charise Mericle Alien Encounter (Sasquatch and Aliens Book 1) 208 pgs. Henry Holt and Co, 2014. $12.99 

Content: G

Morgan is hunting for the perfect slingshot stick when he meets Lewis in the woods. After saving him from a wedgie incident, Morgan and Lewis become fast friends. After an alien steals their chips a series of incidents leads the boys to the further mystery of the sasquatch.

This book is everything I love about this author. Its quirky as all get out, funny, silly, yet it remains a valid story that I can buy into. Perfect for a reluctant reader, this book touches on two wildly popular subjects at my library; aliens and sasquatch. But it provides a real view of friendship and relationships with parents. My only complaint is that there is zero regard for stranger danger, as the boys go down into a neighbor's basement.

EL (K-3), EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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