
Monday, May 19, 2014

Zoobots: Wild Robots Inspired by Real Animals by Helaine Becker –ADVISABLE

Becker, Helaine Zoobots: Wild Robots Inspired by Real Animals 32 pgs. Kids Can Press, 2014. $17.95 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G.
Robot designers, called Roboticists are inspired by real life animals and creatures to create new and innovative robot designs. This book explains what is so special about the real life creature and how its best attributes are then used to create a robot. The role of the robot is then explained, like whiskers for searching for disaster victims. Bright bold artwork is included.
This is an extremely fun book for students that love robots, a very popular topic for younger students at my school. Its full of interesting and creative facts. It could easily be used for a lesson with students on researching and coming up with their own design. My only complaint is the actual robot is just a computer generated image, which leads me to believe that they are fictional and question the integrity of the book, real photos would have been preferred.
EL (K-3) ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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