
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Love Me (A Starstruck Novel) by Rachel Shukert -NOT RECOMMENDED

Shukert, Rachel Love Me (A Starstruck Novel) 336 pgs. Delacorte Press, 2014. $17.99 Content: Language: G; Mature Content: R Violence: G.
This is the continuing story of three starlets in they heyday of Hollywood. Gabby has an addictive personality and an overbearing mother. She is trying to keep her career alive, luckily she is a talented singer, but her life runs a foul when she meets the musician Eddie. Margo is a rising star with a handsome boyfriend, but her life is completely run by the studio, and she misses her family, who won’t have anything to do with her. Amanda is down on her luck, both in love and in her career. She will do anything to get Harry, a writer, back.
The characters were all very similar, at times I felt very confused about whose plot we had switched to. They were all mopey and whiney and didn't put out much effort to better their situations. In short, a big soapy drama with lots of sex talk. Not for a public school library.

HS –NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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