Degen, Bruce I Said, "Bed!" PICTURE BOOK. Holiday House, 2014. $14.95. Content: G
It's time for bed, but this boy refuses to go. Even after his mom drags him to his room -- literally -- he says, "No!" and tries to hide. To entice him under the covers, his teddy bear comes to life, turns the bed into a vehicle, and takes the boy off on an adventure out the window, across the ocean, and into outer space.
The large font and short sentences make this one accessible for beginning readers, but it's hard to condone seeing such a bratty boy be rewarded with a fun adventure instead of facing consequences. The mother isn't a great role model either. Also, it's unclear whether the boy is imagining these adventures, if he has fallen asleep and is dreaming of them, or if the reader is supposed to be carried away by this flight of fancy as if it were real.
Pre-K, EL(K-3) -- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Caryn
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