
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Handle with Care: An Unusual Butterfly Journey by Loree Griffin Burns –ESSENTIAL

Burns, Loree Griffin Handle with Care: An Unusual Butterfly Journey 32 pgs. Millbrook Pr Trade, 2014. $24.99 Content: G. 
In Costa Rica there is a unique farm, a butterfly farm. There butterflies are carefully raised and protected, through every stage of their life. Readers find out the whole process and why a butterfly farm is needed.
This was an incredibly interesting book. The photography was stunning. Its pretty much a given that elementary students will learn about the butterfly life cycle, but this book would be a fresh and welcome companion. It presents the life cycle process to life with a whole new spin and is told in a fun and quirky way.

EL (K-3) –ESSENTIAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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