
Monday, May 19, 2014

Gustav Gloom and the Four Terrors (Book #3) by Adam-Troy Castro –NOT RECOMMENED

Castro, Adam-Troy Gustav Gloom and the Four Terrors (Book #3) 232 pgs. Grosset & Dunlap, 2013. $12.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G.
Gustav is half shadow boy who lives in a gloomy house full of shadows and terrors. The first two books he has adventures with the neighbor girls, sisters Fernie and Pearlie. Gustav has a plan to bring back his father from the Dark county and needs the girls help. When things go awry will Fernie lose everything dear to her, just like Gustav did?
I know there is a playful spirit of whit and an almost sarcasm to this book that is meant to make things lighter, but I found it to be too dark all the same. Just look at the first two titles in the series, The People Taker and The Nightmare Vault. This book was dark, sad, depressing, and extremely claustrophobic. It was overly long and drawn out as well. I wouldn’t add this book to my school library.
EL –NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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