
Thursday, May 1, 2014

Expressing The Inner Wild by Stephen Gordon-OPTIONAL

Gordon, Stephen G., Expressing The Inner Wild. Pgs. 56. Twenty-First Century Books, 2014. $33.26.

Did you know that the oldest tattooed mummy was a European who lived more than 5,000 years ago before being frozen into a glacier? Or that a lady from Las Vegas has fingernails that were 20 ft. long? Throughout history, body bling, jewelry, makeup, inks and other decorations have not only been at times extreme, but popular. In this book, readers will explore these fashion expressions throughout the ages and much, much more.

Interesting and informative, this book is well-laid out and colorful. With a mixture of known and unknown facts, readers will wonder why as well as be curious about the limits of expression one can surpass. A fun, easy read for people interested in body art and fashion or who need to read a non-fiction book. Included are a visual glossary, additional places to go for more information, a bibliography, and an index to help readers explore more in-depth. MS, HS. OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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