
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Claude at the Circus by Alex T. Smith -- OPTIONAL

Smith, Alex T. Claude at the Circus, 95 pgs. Peachtree Books, 2013. $12.95. Content: PG.

When Claude's owners finally leave the house, he and his friend Sir Bobblysock can't wait to go on a new adventure. This time they're off to the park, where they helpfully throw away a wet paint sign (litter), clean up the golf balls scattered around the green (too messy), and rescue an escaped baby (who then begins to cry). Next they attend the circus, but their attempts to be helpful there end in disaster. Can Claude fix the circus before the disgruntled audience storms the tent?

All in all, this was an amusing but ultimately forgettable story. The loosely held-together plot felt more like a vehicle for the humor than an actual plot; as a result, many of the events seemed random and much of the humor felt as if the author were trying too hard. The illustrations were entertaining, although the one showing the trapeze artist's behind was more revealing than necessary.

EL -- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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