Kaplan, Michael B. Betty Bunny Wants a Goal, illustrated by Stéhane Jorsich. PICTURE BOOK. Dial Books for Young Readers, 2014. $16.99. Content: G
Betty Bunny has joined the soccer team, and she desperately wants a goal. Unfortunately, she doesn't yet know how to play soccer. When her father admits that she's just not that good at it, the whole family is scandalized. Aren't parents supposed to support their children unconditionally? He points out that not being good at something when you're starting out is natural, and it can usually be remedied with practice. When Betty realizes he's right, she enlists her brother's help so she can learn to play for real. Will her hard work pay off?
While I'm not a fan of the "everybody gets a trophy" style of parenting, it was nice to see Betty Bunny working hard to get her goal and learning that failures frequently happen on the way to success. Betty comes across as a bit spoiled at times, but she does seem to grow and learn from this experience, and the twist in the end was amusing. While this book would be appealing to both girls and boys, it was admittedly nice to see a female character so into soccer. The appealing, colorful illustrations were full of personality and complemented the story well.
EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn
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