
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tools and Treasures of Ancient China by Candice Ransom-ADVISABLE

Ransom, Candice, Tools and Treasures of Ancient China. Pgs. 40. Lerner Publishing, 2014. $25.14.

This brief history of China takes a look at not only modern China, but also concentrates on Ancient China as well. It includes various aspects of the culture including art, housing, and burial. With primary sources and pictures, it aligns with common core goals. Readers who need to read a non-fiction book or who enjoy reading about Ancient civilizations will like reading this book Includes glossaries, online resources, and places to go for more information.  

EL (4-6), MS - ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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