
Monday, April 28, 2014

Stone Giant: Michelangelo's David and How He Came to Be by Jane Sutcliffe - OPTIONAL

Sutcliffe, Jane  Stone Giant: Michelangelo’s David and How He Came to Be  Illustrated by John Shelley  Charlesbridge, 2014.  $16.95  PICTURE BOOK  Content: PG.  

This is a great summary of Michelangelo’s efforts to sculpt David.  The piece of marble was passed on from one artist to another because it was so big and overwhelming, but eventually Michelangelo asked to give it a try.  Michelangelo worked on it for three years and the town of Florence were so grateful for the amazing sculpture of David that reminded them that although they were a small city they could still be strong.  

This is a short summary of the work that Michelangelo did on David.  The illustrations are great and have a Jan Brett feel to them with little illustrations at the tops of some pages to further explain the story.  The only problem with this book is David is naked.  It’s art, but really in an elementary school all kids are going to take from this book is that he is naked.  It’s sad because it's great simplified history and it is an inspiring story.  

MS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.  

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