Michalak, Jamie Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman: Show's Over, 44 pgs. Candlewick Entertainment, 2014. $14.99. Content: G.
Ruff Ruffman, host of the game show Fetch!, is all set for his date with the poodle next door when he receives a fax saying he has been fired. After minimal investigation (which, for some reason, does NOT include actually calling his office to see if he still has a job or if this is a joke), he and his friends waterproof his doghouse and float to Australia to speak to the new head of the network. They arrive a month later to discover a few surprises.
While I love the concept of including science in novels for children, the execution here did not work for me. The science itself was pretty much limited to a quick boat-making activity at the end, wherein children are supposed to see how many pennies will float in a boat made of aluminum foil. Also, the writing felt as if it were trying too hard to be funny, and many of the references seemed more geared toward adults than children -- such as Ruff receiving a fax instead of, say, a text or email. The plot holes were difficult to ignore as well; instead of simply enjoying the story, I found myself caught up in wondering such things as how Ruff could leave work for two whole months and not actually get himself fired. And, again, why not simply call (or, perhaps, send a fax) to double-check? Sometimes ludicrous plots can be fun, but even they have their limits.
EL -- OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Caryn
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