
Friday, April 11, 2014

Ninjas and Knock Outs (Tao: The Little Samurai #2) by Laurent Richard -OPTIONAL

Richard, Laurent Ninjas and Knock Outs (Tao: The Little Samurai #2) 64 pgs. Graphic Universe TM, 2014. $6.95 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G. GRAPHIC NOVEL
Tao is still up to his usual tricks at the Martial Arts School in this second book of the series. The reader sees a continuation of many of the little tiny plots. For example, one of his instructors is very fixated on the students pretending to be animal as part of their training, which the students are confused about. So Tao finds himself mimicking a cat. Which eats and takes a nap. Wasn’t quite what the instructor had in mind.
Like the first book, I really enjoyed reading this graphic novel. I sort felt like I was privy to some inside jokes, having read the first book. But I didn't like the boys peeking in at the girls again, and I also didn't like a boy on boy kissing scene. Might be funny to read, but not so funny when a parent is yelling at you.

EL  –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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