
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Nest by Jorey Hurley-ADVISABLE

Hurley, Jorey Nest. PICTURE BOOK. Simon & Schuster/ Paula Wiseman Books, 2014.  $16.99. Content: G. This is a wonderful picture book about a pair of robin parents who care for their babies through the change of seasons and the surprises of nature and life.  The story is simple with only one word per page.  The illustrations are stunning and descriptive.  There are many stories within each page that can lead to discussion with little ones about families, nature and life.  As the end of the book Hurley shares how the story came to be along with information about the life of robins in general.  It’s a simple book, but one that could be used in classrooms and home libraries alike.  Pre-K.  EL (K-3).  ADVISABLE.  Reviewer: SL

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