
Friday, April 25, 2014

Moonbear's Sunrise by Frank Asch -- OPTIONAL

Asch, Frank Moonbear's Sunrise PICTURE BOOK. Aladdin Books, 2014. $16.99. Content: G

Moonbear loves to watch the sunset, but when he learns that sunrise is also gorgeous, he is determined to get up on time to watch it. Unfortunately, no matter how many alarm clocks he buys or how insistently his friend Little Bird tries to wake him, he simply cannot make himself get up on time. Little Bird suggests Moonbear simply go to sleep hours before his normal bedtime -- even though he's not tired. It works, and Moonbear is finally able to see his first sunrise.

I know Moonbear has some fans out there, but neither my four-year-old or I could fully enjoy this book. We found the illustrations unappealing, and as for the story itself, it seemed too far-fetched for suspension of disbelief. If only it were so easy to go to bed hours before one's bedtime and fall so quickly and so deeply asleep! Still, those who are already fans of Moonbear may enjoy this addition to the collection.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- Reviewer: Caryn

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