Litton, Jonathan and Thomas Flintham Mesmerizing Math. Tamplar Books, 2013. $18.99. Content: G.
Far from a textbook, this colorful, vibrant volume introduces a variety of math concepts, from fractions to probability to Fibonacci numbers, all presented in a way that's designed to entice children. The numerous flaps, tabs, popups, and fold-outs encourage interaction, and the informal sequence makes it easy for readers to skip around, landing on only those concepts that appeal to them at the time. Because of its design, the book is more delicate than most, so it would likely not last long in a classroom or library without supervision. However, it would be a wonderful addition to many a student's bedside table or homework area. In some households, it may even make an appealing coffee table book.
EL, MS -- GIFT. Reviewer: Caryn
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