
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hattie Ever After by Kirby Larson - OPTIONAL

Larson, Kirby  Hattie Ever After, 219 pgs.  Delacorte Press, 2013.  $16.99  Content: Language: G; Mature Content: PG; Violence: G.  

Hattie joins an acting troupe to get to San Francisco where she dreams of becoming a reporter.  Charlie tries to get her to come with him to Seattle where he has a job for Boeing, but Hattie feels like she needs to be true to her dream of being a writer.  While in San Francisco Hattie works her way from cleaning person to help with the writers, but when she glimpses her dreams coming true, reality happens.  

This is the sequel to Newbery Honor winning Hattie Big Sky.  It follows Hattie after she leaves the plains of Montana in the 1920s and works at a newspaper.  There are little historical tidbits throughout that are interesting and it’s nice to have resolve to Hattie’s story.  My frustrations with Hattie's story in both books is her inability to grasp her dreams at the very end of the book.  I read this whole story and got caught up in Hattie's efforts, just to have it all not work in the last few pages-both books were like that.  The story line felt similar to the first book, with a different setting.   MS, HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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