
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Endangered and Extinct Birds by Jennifer Boothroyd - OPTIONAL

Boothroyd, Jennifer  Endangered and Extinct Birds Lerner Publications Company, 2014.  $22.27  PICTURE BOOK  Content: G.  

This book starts out with an explanation of what endangered and extinct mean.  Then the book gives a two page spread on each bird that is covered.  It covers five endangered birds and five extinct birds.  At the end it gives tips on ways that people can help keep the environment safe for all birds.  

Each page has about three sentences with a side bar.  The explanations are super basic, frustrating in their lack of information.  The photographs are clear and it kept my little boys interest.  The book is an introduction to the idea of endangered and extinct birds, it’s not too detailed or comprehensive.  

EL (K-3)-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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