
Monday, March 17, 2014

The Scariest Day Ever...So Far by Kara McMahon -- ESSENTIAL

McMahon, Kara Friday the Scaredy Cat: The Scariest Day Ever...So Far, illustrated by Maddy McClellan. Simon Spotlight, 2013. $3.99. Content: G.

Friday has had a lot of scary days in his life, but this is the scariest one so far. It starts when he wakes up and finds a new pink bed next to his blue one. Then he notices a new bowl. And a new toy. When something small and white streaks by him, he knows immediately what it is: a monster! Except...this monster turns out to be remarkably cute. And nice. And fluffy. Wait! It's not a monster. It's a new kitten for him to play with!

Friday is a hilarious protagonist, with his over-the-top fright and amusing reactions to that fear. Many kids will figure out the new resident early on, making Friday's overreaction seem even sillier. His obvious hiding spots lend further goofiness to the book, and his scaredy-cat ways open the door to important discussions about fear.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) -- ESSENTIAL. Reviewer: Caryn

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