
Monday, March 3, 2014

The Implosion of Aggie Winchester by Lara Zielinn - OPTIONAL

Zielinn, Lara The Implosion of Aggie Winchester 278 pgs. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 2011. $16.99.

Language: R (10+ F, 28 swears) Mature content: PG-13 (teen pregnancy and sexual references) Violence: G None. 

Aggie’s mom is the principal at her school and she’s expected to be a good girl, but her low self-esteem leads her to Sylvia, a Gothic style dresser with a hard edge. Aggie wants to fade into the background but with her new found love for black clothes and make-up and her connection to the principal it’s next to impossible. Sylvia gets pregnant and somehow gets nominated for prom queen.  Aggie’s principal mom doesn’t want the school’s queen to be a mom-to-be and does some sneaky ballot rigging. Needless to say Aggie is caught between her mother and best friend. Things get even more complicated when a new girl moves in and drives a wedge between Aggie and Sylvia and Aggie’s mom has a serious health scare. Aggie is definitely imploding. 

I liked all the side stories and drama. This book had me turning pages to see what crazy thing was going to happen next. It seems like if it could happen it would and none of it was positive for Aggie. It’s a great story of resilience and trust and finding out who your true friends are; even if it’s the hard way. 

HS: OPTIONAL. Reivewer: SM

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