
Monday, March 24, 2014

The Elementals by Saundra Mitchell - OPTIONAL

Mitchell, Saundra The Elementals, 294 pgs.  Harcourt, 2013.  $16.99 Content: Language: PG-13 (12 swears); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.  

Julian has the ability to bring things back to life, but he is frustrated because his crippled left leg makes him unable to help with his family’s farm or go with his brothers off to war.  Kate can stop time, and lives with her artist parents and wants to create motion pictures.  Kate falls for a girl that she believes will become famous as an actress in Kate’s films and they run away together.  Julian and Kate have always known of each other, but until they find each other they don’t know the affect their powers have.  

This trilogy has been a roller coaster and I didn’t like the ending.  The characters from book one and book two are the parents of the characters in this book, so it’s necessary to read the series before you end with this book or their powers don’t make since.  I loved Julian’s character because he was strong and trying to do right for himself and his family, but I was annoyed with Kate’s character because she was selfish and her decisions seemed rash.  The ending was depressing and abrupt, and I cared about Julian’s family but never got to find out what happens to any of them.  

MS, HS-OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.     

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