
Sunday, March 9, 2014

Marion Takes a Break by Callie Barkley -- ADVISABLE

Barkley, Callie Marion Takes a Break (Critter Club #4), 112 pgs. Little Simon, 2013. $15.99. Content: G.

Marion spends her days rushing from activity to activity -- and excelling in each one she attempts. But when she sprains her ankle, this self-sufficient girl has to rely on her friends for help, while also making peace with her new, less-hectic pace.

As a character, Marion is fun and engaging, and the story itself is very accessible for young readers, with large type, short chapters, and plenty of lively illustrations. Many students in today's fast-paced culture will appreciate Marion's frustration when she has to dial things back a bit, while animal lovers will likely enjoy the kittens and horses that feature strongly in the story. Lessons on working together and finding ways to make a difference round out the story nicely, while not hitting the reader over the head with obvious morals. While this is the fourth in a series, it stands alone nicely.

EL -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn

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