
Monday, February 3, 2014

Sky on Fire by Emmy Laybourne - OPTIONAL

Laybourne, Emmy Monument 14: Sky on Fire, 215 pgs. Feiwel and Friends, 2013. Language - PG (44 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG-13; 

Dean and Alex have been separated in this desperate time. Dean stays at Greenway with Astrid and Chloe because of their type O blood while Alex leaves in the school bus with Niko and the other kids to go to the airport where they believe they can find help for Brayden and their parents. Neither brother knows how the other is. All they can do is survive and hope the other is doing likewise. 

This is a book you cannot understand without reading the first one first. Unfortunately, neither book is all that great. While the disaster is unique (a gas leak that gives various symptoms based on blood type) and the conflicts that come from living without adults in a superstore is a fun concept, the sexual content and gore are a turn off. Furthermore, the solutions that come in the last twenty pages came too easily. The compliance of the adults at the airport to the kids wasn't believable--there would have been more resistance. Overall it was an entertaining story, but you can take my word for it and read a different book. 

HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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