
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Shift by Kim Curran - OPTIONAL

Curran, Kim Shift, 312 pgs. Strange Chemistry, 2012.

Language - PG-13 (43 swears, 3 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG-13; 

Scott has made some bad decisions in life--who hasn't?--but the worst was trying to prove himself by climbing the Pylon. Just as he slips and starts falling to his death, Scott regrets not giving up when he had the chance. And that's what happens. Undoing that one decision reveals Scott as a "Shifter" and throws him into a new life--hopefully a better one. 

I was really excited to start reading because the idea intrigued me, but I was soon disappointed. Curran made the story too complicated in the beginning. Scott and the reader have to adjust to these new laws of nature, but there isn't enough time to adjust before several exceptions are put in the mix as well. There is also a random bad guy that shows up only to disappear for several chapters before popping back up like he had always been a part of it. It's not until about three-fourths of the way through that the book it becomes less complicated and more enjoyable to read. The good news is, despite being the first of a series, there isn't a cliffhanger ending. 

MS, HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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