
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Phoenix by Elizabeth Richards - ADVISABLE

Richards, Elizabeth  Phoenix, 343 pgs.  Putnam, 2013.  $17.99 

Content: Language: PG-13 (18 swears); Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.  

In this second book in the Black City trilogy, Ash and Natalie are leading a rebellion against the Sentry who is trying to unite the country into one race and one religion.  Ash is half darkling and Natalie is a human, but they are fighting Purian Rose because he is trying to kill anyone who is different.  The country is in a state of unrest with civil wars being fought throughout the different sectors, but Ash and Natalie have their own quest to find a poison to kill Purian Rose.  Natalie’s friend Elijah joins them in their efforts and causes a rift between Ash and Natalie.  

As far as a middle novel in a trilogy goes, this one has lots of action and the main story moves along, with a few new problems added in.  The world building is easy to follow and the characters’ cause is noble and as a reader I wanted them to succeed.  This book leaves the reader hanging and I’m anxious for the last book in the trilogy.  


Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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