
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz –PUBLIC ONLY OPTIONAL

Moskowitz, Hannah Gone, Gone, Gone 288 pgs.  Simon Pulse, 2012. $15.99.  Content: Language: R (50+ swears); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13.
15 year old Craig is in love with Cody. But since Cody had a mental breakdown and moved away, they haven’t seen in other in person, yet they manage a volatile and intense email relationship. Then Craig meets a new boy, Lio, at school, and is intrigued. In the meantime Lio falls in love with him but since Craig heart is taken, it leaves them at an impasse. Both boys are going through some serious personal problems, and add to that a local sniper killer and you have a very intense book.
Being a teenager is stressful and confusing and emotional, and this book captures that. I usually love books by this author, but this book was a bit neurotic even for me and even stressful to read. I think teens will relate to the angst, but may be put off by the intensity of the plot and characters. Contains homosexual relationships, underage drinking, suicidal thoughts, and more. While I think it’s important for high school libraries to have fictional books featuring those important topics, I wouldn't add this book, but look for other options.  
PUBLIC ONLY –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author

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