
Monday, February 17, 2014

Face-Off at the Alamo (A Screech Owls Book) by Roy MacGregor –OPTIONAL

MacGregor, Roy Face-Off at the Alamo (A Screech Owls Book) 176 pgs. Tundra Books, 2013. $8.95 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG Violence: PG. RE-RELEASE.
The pee-wee hokey team named The Screech Owls is off to a tournament in Texas. They enjoy the city, especially the Alamo, a symbol for American determination, bravery and courage. One of the teams they are up against has a hard time playing nice, and Travis even thinks the assistant coach might be slapping a player. Despite the troubles they have with that team, The Screech Owls have a wonderful time at the event. When a few of them get the chance to sleep over at the Alamo, they discover a major plot which could destroy Alamo!
First off, this story is for Hockey sports fans; only. Knowledge of the sport and its rules and intricacies is a must, I was very confused. That being said, the characters are well-developed and the book is readable. Would be ok for upper elementary students. I am rating this book as only optional because I just didn’t feel like this text would be accessible by students who are interested in learning more about Hokey. (Like I was!). There is also a spicy crotch incident which might be a tad inappropriate for a school library.
Elementary, MS –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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