
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Operation Inferno (The Resisters Books #4) by Eric Nylund –ADVISABLE

Nylund, Eric  Operation Inferno (The Resisters Books #4) 288 pgs. Yearling, 2013. $12.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG.
In this 4th book we find the alien Ch’zar presence on Earth at an all-time high, they appear to be harvesting more of our resources than ever. Ethan in charge of ragged group of Resisters have survived and fled the destruction of their all-important seed bank base. Luckily they are semi-safe at an old military installment, which is full of technology and interesting things to discover, like food! Things are at their most desperate with the resistance, and Ethan comes up with a wild plan that may cost him his life.
Oddly enough, I have now read book #2 and Book #4 in the series, despite this disjointedness I really enjoy them. This one can’t quite stand as a read-alone at this point. The dystopic alien invasion scenario is really appealing and popular right now. Students will love the plot component that adult minds can be corrupted by alien influence, leaving only the children to do the fighting back. This book is fairly heavy on battles and military tactic, less on the character development, but it is still worth adding it to your collection.

EL –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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