
Friday, January 31, 2014

Hurty Feelings by Helen Lester - ESSENTIAL

Lester, Helen Hurty Feelings, illustrated by Lynn Munsinger.  PICTURE BOOK.  Houghton Mifflin, 2013.  $9.  Content: G. 

Fragility is a solid piece of hippo, but is anyone tries to compliment her, she starts to wail and her feelings get hurt, taking everything the wrong way.  When a real bully comes in sight, Fragility realizes that she doesn’t have to always cry.  

This is a good basic lesson for a look at hurt feelings.  It talks not only about someone who allows their feelings to be hurt by friends who don’t mean it, but also looks at someone who really is trying to  hurt her.  Great to have on hand for a quick class lesson.  

EL (K-3) – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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