
Friday, January 31, 2014

Hereafter by Kate Brian-ADVISABLE

Brian, Kate, Hereafter. pgs. 306. Hyperion, 2013. $17.99. Content: Language: PG-13, Mature Content: PG-13, Sexual Content: PG-13.

After a serial killer brutally murdered them, Rory and her family wound up in limbo in a summer island called Juniper Landing without knowing they were dead. Destined to forever usher others into entering the afterlife, Rory is labeled a Lifer. Something, however, is not right. One of the Lifers is sick of wants out no matter the cost and is trying to put the blame on Rory. Forced to prove her innocence, Rory must find out who is sending spirits, good and evil, to the Shadowlands, the place where there’s no way back. If she fails, she will be she’ll be sent there herself. Can Rory restore the balance of good and evil and save herself?  

Although the characters are a little shallow and hard to keep track of, the natural dialogue helps to distinguish them and help readers to relate to them. Like the first one, the plot drags in places and isn’t quite as suspenseful, readers who like intrigue and mystery will enjoy reading this book. It is best, howeer, to read the first book before reading this one. MS, HS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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