
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Genius by Steven T. Seagle –NO

Seagle, Steven and Illustrated by Kristiansen, Teddy  Genuis 128 pgs. First Second, 2013. $17.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG13(Nudity & More); Violence: G.
Ted is a smart guy by just not smart enough to stand out at work. When he finds out that his wife’s father worked for his idol, Albert Einstein, Ted is determined to find out if he gleaned any knowledge during that time. Turns out, he might have. But the old man is senile and when is he semi present, he remembers that he hates Ted. Can Ted wheedle the information out of him? What will he do if he does?
I thought the main character was so pathetic that I dreaded reading his story. The colors are depressing just like him. The plot was anti-climactic and muted. I felt like there should have been more of a tie-in to Einstein. I think this book will fail to draw readers in. Includes an illustration of a naked man.

HS –NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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