
Monday, December 30, 2013

Panic in the Parade (Power Rangers Megaforce #3) by Stefan Petrucha -OPTIONAL

Petrucha, Stefan Panic in the Parade (Power Rangers Megaforce #3) 64 pgs. Papercutz, 2013. $7.99.  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G. GRAPHIC NOVEL
The rangers are at a parade when Vrak lets the giant monster Wastaro loose. As they battle him, Vrak corners the pink ranger. They fight verbally. When the monster gets completely out of control, even Vrak is worried. The Pink Ranger must decide if she can trust Vrak to help. A second story is included called Game on. The Rangers decide to attend a Game Convention. When the best gamer is taken back by Vrak to play a new game, he thinks its fake. But he is really acting as the controls for a monster than is battling the Rangers.
The power rangers are almost completely unknown at my school, interest levels very low. If they are popular at your school, this would be a fun read. The artwork is bright, action packed, and full of movement. If you are in my situation, save your money for adding some higher quality, non-TV/movie-tie in graphic novels to your collection. 

EL –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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