
Friday, December 20, 2013

Daisy's Defining Day by Sandra V. Feder - OPTIONAL

Feder, Sandra V.  Daisy’s Defining Day, 89 pgs.  Illustrated by Susan Mitchell  Kids Can Press, 2013.  $14.95  Content: G.  

There’s this girl named Daisy and her friends brother decided to call her Lazy Daisy.  She’s trying to find something that will be a better nickname for herself.  Daisy picks a really long name and nobody will call her that and then she finds out all that she has to do is ask the friend’s brother to stop calling her Lazy Daisy.  She has a word journal with all of her favorite words and what is going on in her day.  The story is weird.  I didn’t like anything about it. 

EL-OPTIONAL.  Isabelle, age 10.

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