
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Celebrating Texas by Marion Dane Bauer-ADVISABLE

Bauer, Marion Dane. Ill. By C.B. Canga. Celebrating Texas. Pgs. 31. Sandpiper, 2013. $3.99. EARLY READER.

Did you know that Texas was the biggest state until 1959 when Alaska became a state or that cowhands herd cattle twice a day through historic Dallas for tourists to see? Learn these facts and more as you read and celebrate Texas. . The text itself is harder than a level 3 reader, but the information provided is well-laid out and interesting to read. The book is informative and helpful. Included are a quick facts page, dates in history, activities, and a glossary. Overall, a great non-fiction for more independent readers interested in learning about Texas. EL. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica Moody, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High.

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