
Monday, December 30, 2013

Boxers by Gene Luen Yang –ADVISABLE

Yang, Gene Luen Boxers 328 pgs. First Second, 2013. $18.99  Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG13. GRAPHIC NOVEL
Loosely based Historical Fiction, this story takes us to China in the late 1800’s. Missionaries are spreading Christianity across China, which goes hand in hand somehow with soldiers and involvement in politics by Westerners. A rebellion is brewing, led by Little Bao and his supernaturally infused army. He mettle is tested when he comes across ‘secondary devils’, Chinese who have converted. Are they all to die as well?
This is a companion books to Saints, so you would need to get both, if you were going to add them to your collection. This book was much more interesting to me than Saints. I found myself siding with Little Bao, as I watched their homegrown religion bring the community together with festivals and plays, and then watched as Christianity tears it apart. The supernatural component was intriguing as was his friendship with a female fighter. I would add this book to a school library collection in a heartbeat.

HS -ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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