
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Nazi Hunters by Neal Bascomb - ESSENTIAL

Bascomb, Neal The Nazi Hunters:  How a Team of Spies and Survivors Captures the World’s Most Notorious Nazi, 241 pgs.
Arthur A Levine Books, 2013. $9.34 (Kindle) $12.23 (Hardcover)
Language PG (2 swears); Mature Content:  PG; Violence: PG: 

For eight years, Adolf Eichmann was in charge of Jewish affairs for the Nazis and was responsible for sending millions of Jews to their death. As World War II ended, Eichmann reluctantly accepted defeat; and knowing that he would be hunted for war crimes, he made a plan for escape and disappeared. This book explores the culmination of many victims of Eichmann and the Holocaust and their desire to see justice met.  It reveals the discovery of Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires, Argentina, his capture, his transportation to Israel, and ultimately his trial--an event that was able to enable the world to look, hear, and feel the horror of the Holocaust. 

This non-fiction book--packed with pictures, documents, and facts--opens the reader’s eyes to the details, excitement, and significance of this sixteen-year Nazi hunt.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book because of its breadth of information, the simplicity of explanation, and suspenseful plot.  It is rated PG for two appropriate uses of language and the mature reference to events relating to the cruelty and violence experienced by the Holocaust.  Some character names and flashbacks create confusion, but this is aided by the numerous graphics.  I highly recommend this book for every high school library shelf—the interest level and historical enlightenment is fantastic.  

MS HS-ESSENTIAL. Reviewer:  Donna Huxford

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