
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Miss Matched by Shawn K. Stout-ADVISABLE

Stout, Shawn K. Miss Matched. Pgs. 146. Aladdin, 2013.$15.99. Language: G, Mature Content: G, Violence: G

Fiona Finklestein’s is is pretty much a bowl of cherries. She gets to the weather on WORD TV one night a week and her life is on a good luck streak. There’s just one problem: Milo, the new boy at school. Taking a disliking to her from the start, Milo begins acting like he owns everything and even starts his own weather club without inviting her. Determined to take back the matchmaking club, but all her matches go terribly awry. Can Fiona find a way to get along with Milo and fix her life?

A cute chick-lit fiction book for young readers. The characters are likable and believable. The plot is simple, but does a great job of engaging the reader’s interest. Readers who like realistic fiction, school stories, and friendship fiction will enjoy reading this book. EL(K-3), EL. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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