
Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lulu Goes to Witch School by Jane O'Connor -- ADVISABLE

O'Connor, Jane Lulu Goes to Witch School, illustrated by Bella Sinclair, 48 pgs. HarperCollins, 2013 (reprint). $16.99. Content: G

Lulu is finally old enough to go off to witch school, and she is thrilled. But her experience is tainted when she ends up sitting next to know-it-all Sandy. Just once she wants to beat Sandy at something. But what?

Lulu Goes to Witch School is an enjoyable take on the typical first-day-of-school story. The world of the young witches is imaginative and entertaining, as bats are common pets, children eat Frosted Snake Flakes for breakfast, and gray dresses with spiders on them are considered much prettier than pink, flowered dresses. The stuck-up Sandy is a fun character to portray when reading aloud. I do wish that there had been a little more resolution, perhaps with Sandy learning her lesson about putting others down, but the story does end on an amicable note and there is hope that Sandy and Lulu's differences will eventually be resolved.

EL (K-3) -- ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Caryn

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